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Posts posted by Kuwabara

  1. i like that artist's idea of what he would have looked like better.

    Bleach chapters now follow this pattern:

    Overwhelming power, other guy now has overwhelming power, repeat, pillar, more overwhelming one-sided power, pillar, etc.

    lmao!!! I love how you slipped in the pillars just like the artists!!!

  2. Plus everytime you see "Checkpoint..." You know you're gonna die. LOL. The game has tons of replay value. Thats a plus. You can't get everything in 1-2 plays.

    I know right! Especially since I am playing on Veteran! I am spending less time fighting and more time running. Those crazy tribal guys are freakin monsters! lol. Yeah I see myself playing it again once I am finish

  3. What if the series is nothing but a smallville-ish rip. There will be some unknown kid in a small village slowly realizing he is different from others and he has powers that over multiple seaons start to evolve into new abilities... little does he know he is a talented force user. Eventually when the series' ratings start to decline, he'll start to turn evil and the local highschool football team will join forces with a small anti-empire movement on the planet to kill him before the empire recruits him for evil purposes.


    LMAO!!! I haven't seen smallville since hat General Zod thing with Lex.

    What minor characters would bring any interest to the series at that time? Maybe Anikin's appretentice from the Clone Wars?

  4. I don't think he will teach him anything that will help him control the Fox, because if they knew how to control him I dont think that they woulda needed to seal the Fox in the first place. He is most likely going to have a talk with Naruto, what I am hoping is that he teaches him the flying God technique!!

  5. It's hard to say really. I'd like to think he's full blown Hollow right now but from the looks of it Ichigo may actually be half and half at the moment. It would help if we could tell the color of his hair or sword (white = hollow) haha.

    Logic tells me he is full hollow since he just had a fist shoved through his heart and he obviously couldn't save himself from that.......but with Orahima shouting out his name she may have unintentionally "rejected" the thought of him ever dieing. By doing this it might have actually screwed things up for the inner hollow's confrontation with Ichigo in his mind and the take over of his body. So essentially Ichigo and the inner hollow may have merged and became one with each other in order to keep Ichigo alive. This would give Ichigo a power boost but may also alter his attitude and personality drastically (aka. DBZ Fusion haha). His hair kind of resembles his swords as well..

    I think at this point it would be best to do something messed up like that or turn him into his full blown hollow form to get the story rolling again. If anything they could always have Urahara work his magic to make him somewhat normal again...or just have Orahime reject his personality and make him go back to the way he was.

    That's all speculation though. With our luck it's probably just an upgrade and Ichigo will still be in control of his body like before. The only difference would be that his face now looks like his inner hollow and his sword changed color lol.

    Damn Goku, I couldnt not think of something better than that. Orhime's thought rejecting Ichigo's death would be so awesome!

  6. Good call on the hollow upgrade. You think its safe to say it's Ichigo's inner hollow taking over? Or will it be Ichigo in hollow form rising from the dead in a resurrection hollow sword release and it'll be Ichigo still in control?

    I don't think it'll be Ichigo, with how his character is after such a major defeat like that he would lose all self worth in himself. And Hollow Ichigo is just waiting for that to happen to take control of the entire body

  7. It could be argued that u dont see Heero's body getting caught up in the explosion.

    I still stand by the Mr. Bushido piloting it. Gundam 0 is not Lockon's style even if he were alive.

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