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Posts posted by Kuwabara

  1. Sorry for the Double Post but OMFG!!!! That was killer!!!! Griffith was so cool at first to me but now i hate him. Man they left me with a hunger!!!! I need more!!! I cant find any Manga for sale on all the sites i know that sell it. The Volumes i need dont come out until next year!!!!! Man was that Awsome.

    It was very sad..... Ricket, Pipin, Corkus, and Judau NO!!!!! I am googling it nd see all this other info, on other characters.... man i love this so!!!

    Man this has pushed yu yu to my Second favorite anime. Can anyone tell me where to find the other Manga after volume 13 which is the end of the series?....

  2. Noep It was the episode before bonfire of dreams. Btw Griffith really neede Guts as soon as he left he was in trouble..... Why do i get the feeling that When Griffith Becomes a demon that the anime will end?..... The suspense is freaking killing me.... I'm off to watch the fina 3 eps. Btw Griffith will "DO" anything for his dream, or DO anyone as a matter of fact like that governor, or the princess.

    The Hawks are the SHITZORS!!!

  3. Sorry for the double post but OMFG!!!!! Its so sweet i didnt watch it all yet but i got to the part where they knighted Grifith. I'll watch the rest tommorrow but so far so SWEET!!

    Guts Freakin pwns!!!! Grifith Reminds me of Kurama and Sesshomaru rolled into one while Guts is More Inuyasha. In fighting style that is and the BLOOD Hellsing eat your heart out.

    Also when i first joined AC lady had an avatar which i thought was a girl but realize now. Its Judo or how ever you spell his name from Berserk!!!

  4. Your welcome to use any of mine you like. I know they are not as good as the others but hey they probly have yout fave bishi characters on it. I'll have my yu yu ones here soon once i locate them.




    Prolly no one will use this one but hey its worth a shot


    This one maybe used Next week cause i am using it currently


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