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Posts posted by Widet

  1. I have not tried hotjobs . com I never even new of that site..... my twon isn't very big.......

    I am looking for a part time minimum wage job and I do ave a car but its not in my name its in my perants name and I had applied a pizza hut as a devery person and when I told me step dad about that he said he didn't want me driving around delivering pizza in my car.....

    ok I live with my mom and my stepdad. they pay for my tuition. that should also answer the question about if I have bills or not. my mom also pays me to deep clean the house and keep it picked up. Thats how I get spending money.

    there is work study at my college but the only way i could get work study is if I have finacial aid, which I don't qualify for because I ive with my mom and stepdad and my stepdad is an engineer. therefore he makes to much money for me to have finacial aid because I live under his roof

  2. so I have been looking for a job for the past few months. I live in a town not a city a town that itsn't that big and is centered around a military base. my mom is getting on me all the time about finding a jobe even though it is harder to find a job now than it was when my mom was in high school.... (I am not in high shcool i am in college just so you know... oh and I live with my mom and stepdad untill I graduate.)

    any ways I have been looking for a job for the past few months and my mom doesn't see how hard I looking. I will go out looking for a job till lunch take a break have luch then go looking for a job till 4 or 5 in the afternoon depening on if I have class or not. the after I wil go to a friends do homework and relax. my thinks I am just gonig to class and gonig over to friends house. and its pissing me off she doesn't understand how hard it is to find a job in this god forsaken town cause she already has one. argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. hello

    I messed up on my screen name its actually supose to be widget but I messed up and for got the "g". I have an excuse though for messing up I'm am kinda sick right now.

    on to other news lol

    I am Widget but here I am widet lol on other sites I am known as midget.

    I am a girl

    I like talking and I am very clumsy. or well not so much clumsy I just trip myself constantly. 0.o


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