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Posts posted by GundamFreakX

  1. Little Stephanie was a little girl who always went to church. However, during sunday school, she would always fall asleep during class. So, the pastor told Little Johnny, "When she falls asleep again, stab her with this pencil."

    So, the next day, during Sunday school, she fell asleep. Then, the teacher asked, "Who was Mary?" Little Johnny stabbed Strphanie with the pencil. She jerked awake and yelled, "Mother of Jesus!" The teacher said, "That's correct." The, she fell back asleep.

    Then, the teacher asked, "Who created the Earth and all the creatures?" Little Johnny stabbed her again. She jerked awake and yelled, "God Almighty!" The teacher said, "That's correct." Then, she fell asleep again.

    Finally, the teacher asked, "What did Eve say to Adam after she had her 37th child?" Little Johnny stabbed her again, so she jumped up, looked at Johnny, and yelled, "If you stab that thing in me again, I'm gonna break it off!"

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