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Posts posted by Kelene

  1. They can get around, but they are very noisy and make a mess most mornings. So if we don't get up quick enough then we have to take time to clean up too many things. Maybe in a few more years, they will get up on their own and then be quite watching cartoons and not making a mess.

    I know... I'm dreaming...

  2. Oh and Mathias forgot to add that Kyle can even change Alana's diaper. He takes her into the bathroom and she takes off the old diaper while Kyle helps her onto the potty. Then he gets a clean diaper and helps her put it on. Sometimes the diaper is on backwards. And of course, Kyle changes his own diaper. Most of the time the old diapers make it into the trash can other times we find them on the floor.

  3. Even looking at the New Testament, each of the writers have their own interpretations of what Jesus did. And those writers supposedly lived during the time. And of course there are many more gospels that were written that did not make it into the Bible, gospels written by Mary Magdalene, Judas, and even Jesus himself. I wonder what is in those gospels that the Church does not want us to know?

    Anyhow, getting back on topic... wait what was the original topic? Sorry!

  4. "I'm sorry you feel that way but I for one cant give a gold star to a country that as a whole sucks out loud in this area.

    Some places are trying (my dude Jeff works for an ethonal plant) but in some states soda cans are thrown in the garbage.

    no, no gold star."

    I'm sorry that you feel that way, Ladywriter. The country is trying, at least that is something. I have seen shows where people recycle everything, and I mean everything. Water, urine, food, dung, plastic, aluminum... everything. And these items are used to create our food supplies. The Discovery channel shows disgusting things (I love Dirty Jobs) yet these people are helping the rest of the county.

    Yes, there are those who throw everything away and I can't stand it. But I'm also not going to jump into a trash can and pull out all the recyclables. Now if there is someone out there who does that daily then I think they can say our country sucks. But unless you are one of those people then give our country some credit.

    One person can make a difference.

  5. Evolution and creationism are both theories. Neither has proof, just beliefs. Let people believe what they want. And who is to say that One day of God's life (if there is a great being) could be millions of years in our life. This may sound like a silly idea but there have been debates on that. No one knows.

    Though the guy being fired... there has to be more to the story then the public knows. Freedom of Religion is the first amendment. But if he stated his theory in a derogatory way or was violent in his belief then yes, he should be fired. But to just say that I believe this or that does not give a company legal standings to fire the man.

  6. I was out to a couple of stores by 4am. I was able to get in and out very easily. Though that is mostly due to me wanting smaller items while others jumped in front of each others to get the expensive big items.

    I won't go near Best Buy, Circuit City, Staples for anything. And just forget about Toys R' Us. If you are lucky to get the item you want you have to wait in line for hours. Nothing is that important at a toy store!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

    I don't like regular stuffing much so I made potato stuffing, though I think I should have added more bread. Oh well, it was still good.

    Good luck to anyone who is braving Black Friday tomorrow! Some of those people are just crazy.


  8. We recycle as much as we can every day. Though there is still so much that can't be recycled. On trash days I am amazed to see all of my neighbor's cans full and overflowing where as I hardly have any, mostly diapers now that I don't use cloth diapers anymore. If those people would just recycle a little bit it would be so much better for the environment.

  9. I shop for my family and friends all through out the year. If I happen to see something that I know someone would love then I go ahead and pick it up if its on sale. I have a space in my closet where I keep all gifts so that I don't lose anything. And I try to write down all the gifts and who they are for. I have a set amount of money I can spend on people so if I find it cheap it is great.

    My kids are even beginning to draw pictures for people. Everyone loves them because it comes from the heart.

    Just remember that the most expensive things are not always the best. And stick to a limit so that you don't go broke over the holidays!

  10. i just happened to "stubble" upon this but uh blue eyes is a mutation of cells or genes? one of those. idk why people want it, i don't have blue eyes tho most people assimilate blonds with blue eyes, i have brown eyes like the majority.... that sounds random okay moving on.

    Blue eyes is a recessive gene where as Brown eyes are more dominate in most races. It is all part of the fun that is genotypes. (I loved making those charts in high school to see what genes one could get based on their parents). Here are some other items that are recessive versus dominate:


    **Sorry I love science questions and could go on and on about this.**:happy:

  11. Cheerbear is adorable. I bet she loved all the candy she got. My kids went around the neighborhood and got too much candy! I gave half of it to Mathias to take to work with him and give out to his co-workers. The kids are hyper enough without a ton more candy!

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