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Posts posted by Mathias

  1. I put all of the pictures Kelene takes throughout the year and burn them to a dvd that people can play on their dvd players. This is a great gift, because the cost of the dvds are cheap and everyone wants to see our photogenic children.

  2. America did not confiscate oil during the wars to make gas cheaper at home. We don't get oil any cheaper because of the wars either. If anything, the prices went up to fix the destruction caused by saboteurs. Oil revenues pay for the reconstruction of these two nations. In my opinion, prices continue to rise due to demand, media frenzy, and emotional stock investors.

    America is dependent on foreign oil, because we won't drill for our own oil or build new refineries. Renewable sources of energy, hybrid vehicles, and other methods of reducing our dependency on fossil fuels is probably the best long-term solution. Until these methods are more efficient and cost affective enough to replace oil, we are dependent upon oil.

    If you think it's bad now, wait until the supply/demand chain gets really out of whack and oil rises above $120/barrel or the Middle-East decides to cut us off. Do we really have enough supply and suppliers to support the withdraw of foreign oil? Scary thought.

  3. There are many grants, scholarships, and charities available to help people in need. I did the research, earned the grades in H.S., and had most of my college paid for me. I paid the rest of my tuition by working 20 - 30 hours a week at a restaurant, until I started up an internship available through my college. I wasn't the most qualified, smartest, or deserving, however, I was the most determined. If you're determined enough, you'll find a way to get through college and pay your debts off in the end. Good luck!

  4. Those girls were annoying. Jabbering and gossiping the whole time. I've never seen an episode where their participation was effective. The irony of them telling the Pat contestant that he talked too much made me laugh.

    The contestants felt more like fans of the show who didn't put any effort into the research. I vote to not add any of them.

    I rewound the tape several times and didn't catch anything the panic alerts posted on tv were talking about. I bet 99% of the panic buttons were idiots who spotted dust particles or graffiti. One of the panic buttons on tv were regarding the heart beat noises they probably heard from the music playing.

    I was disappointed that the Destination: Truth host didn't participate in the ghost hunt himself. I was eager to see him in action.

    I'm half interested in the Ghost Hunters: International. All the worst investigators are in it: Andrew, Brian, and Donna. As a research Donna is decent, but I didn't like her investigation techniques.

    I'm eager to see the reveal. I'd like to see if they caught what knocked the one camera over; it was probably a bird. I could go on, but I'll leave on this note: "Run Elijah, run!"

  5. Yeah, my thoughts exactly. *LOL* You may try to know everything about everything they're doing and everyone they see, but it gets harder each year, and by the time they're teenagers, well, the only way to control everything they do is by homeschooling them and never letting them leave the house without you right there with them. Good luck! XD

    I guess thats the point, I believe I SHOULD know. If nothing else, where my money and insurance payments are going. Oh well.

  6. I believe a parent or guardian should know EVERYTHING about a dependent. I believe, as a father/stepfather/adopted father/head of household/guardian you have the right to know everything about your dependents and I'd even go so far as spouse, but that's another topic. If you are legally bound to the care of a dependent, you should know everything. Monetary reasons alone, I should know how my money/FSA/insurance is being spend on me or any of my dependents. Whether the pills are to equalize a hormonal imbalance, prevent pregnancy, or any other reason. I can't adequately take care of my dependents if critical knowledge of their health is withheld. Once they are no longer considered my dependent, that person can have all the privacy they want.

  7. I've never smoked in my life and now I'm convinced never to smoke through water jugs either. I'll take note to check the bottom of my water bottles from now on to make sure they weren't smoking either. Shameful water jugs, shameful. :nono:

  8. This article makes me very sad. Our children are having sex younger and younger, because parents are undermined by schools and "authorities" who are telling our children its not only okay but encouraged. When Kelene went to Planned Parenthood, they didn't offer counseling or ask probing questions to ask her why she wanted birth control pills, they just gave them. In this case she was of adult age, but I hear they do the same for children. Okay, I'm going to stop this rant before I get in trouble.

    I'll just stop and say that the way the article was written, it sounds like a majority of under 18 cases of cervical cancer was caused by having under age sex. If that's the case, abstinence would be a far cheaper alternative to preach about. I haven't seen those commercials on TV, have you?

  9. Sounds good, but MACs don't play all my games. Of course, I can't play the newer games now anyway. Maybe my next computer will be a MAC as long as I can save the files in MS Office format for use at work and home. Friends have been pushing me to Linux as well. Oh my, the choices. Maybe in a year or two, I'll start researching for my next computer purchase.

  10. I was never interested in piercings. Kelene's few ear piercings are all I can handle.

    Kelene's sister had a belly ring once. She showed it to us. Later when it got infected. Later when it was yanked out, eww. And throughout the whole healing process. I've never looked at piercings the same since. <shudders>

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