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Posts posted by Mathias

  1. My company recently implemented VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol), or Internet phone. It has its perks. I can manage phone calls through software, find phone numbers, and perform other complex phone functions with ease that used to require memorizing stupid codes on the standard phones.

    Cons...there are a few. If you reboot your computer, you disconnect from the phone. The software has a few bugs that have been annoying us. And of course there is nature, the technology hater, always sending her lackeys to take our egos down a notch.

    If Murray the squirrel, and I'm sure you have a few in your neck of the woods, gets the bright idea of roasting his nuts on the transformer, you might find yourself without power and your phone. Screw you Murray!

  2. After typing my final message last night, I found myself staring into the back of my eyelids. At some point I crawled into bed. I woke up a few times, once laughing myself to wake. My wife thought it was cute.

    That hurt my manhood.

    I now must make up for it. Oww ... you can't see it now... oww ... but I'm ripping the hair off my chest .... oww ... to prove my manhood.

    Oww. That was one experience that I don't care to repeat.

  3. I normally don't stay up this late, because my boy wakes up around 6:30. However, I made the mistake of drinking a Pepsi with my late dinner and all I can do is fidget and type, fidget and type, fidget and type.

    Try typing "fidget and type" really fast. I screwed up almost every other character. <sigh>

    Does this mean I'm getting tired or am I just high on caffeine? Can you tell the difference? Umm, no.

  4. "Dang it. Our network just went down again." Email Guru said.

    "You know what that means. The Internet's down as well." Internet Guru sighed.

    "And more help line's for me." Jack of all trades (me) moaned.

    A few weeks later with the network slowing to a crawl or going down all together always at lunch time...

    "You're yanking my chain, the microwave?" Internet Guru queried.

    "I knew I smelled some burned popcorn." Jack of all trades sniffed.

    True story. The industrial microwave in my companies business somehow caused interference with our network. Tested and proved by turning it on and off while monitoring the network.

    This is what I was told and wasn't given the full details. I do know we convicted it of capital crimes and removed it from its life support system, the electrical outlet.

  5. I was on this forum in the past as Drydian. I couldn't spend much time on the forums over the last two years due to one very important reason. Okay, make that two.


    If you have them, you know what I mean. If you don't, enjoy it while you can, because their coming. Let that haunt your nightmares.

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