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Posts posted by Mathias

  1. I wouldn't recommend not eating. Super unhealthy. By not getting the right amounts of vitamins, proteins, etc. you could have sever repercussions. You may lose weight, but causing other health issues is not the solution. Some people may be able to get away with it for sometime, but continued abuse of your diet will cause you more harm than good.

  2. You have to remember that the snacks aren't potato chips or some other snack food. It should be carrots or some other vegetable. The snack should consist of only a handful of carrots or the equivalent.

    The biggest meal should be breakfast. On the same note, you shouldn't have a whole lot either. We've been fixing a normal meal, but only putting half of what we normally eat on the plate. The rest gets put away as leftovers for the next meal, or the next day. By putting the food away before you eat, you're not as tempted to eat as much, because it's out of sight.

    It's because you're not eating as much at each meal that you need the small snacks to tie you over to the next meal. Of course, if you eat as much as you had at the meal for the snack, you're defeating the purpose.

    Drink lots of water. Not only is it good for you, but a lot of times when your stomach grumbles, it's because you're thirsty not hungry.

    When you are working you have a greater tendency of having poor snack choices, or going to a fast food restaurant for lunch. Pack your lunch and make sure you have healthier snacks. I keep a pack of healthy, but tasty, crackers at work. I eat their recommended serving size, which is five crackers, for my mid afternoon snack, and nothing more. Have something different for your mid morning snack. Vary the snacks, so you don't get bored of them and start grabbing something unhealthy.

    If you can cut out pop, or cut it down to one can a day that you spread throughout the day in sips, you'll be much better off. Pop, even diet pop, is the bane of most diets.

    For exercise, I do the following steps. Note that these are all techniques that I learned during physical therapy for my bad back and busted arm. I'm doing much better now, but I didn't seek any help for almost fifteen years, which is a big no no.

    1. I do three sets of leg pulls to my chest for each leg, then both at the same time, for thirty seconds each.

    2. I then do a bridge, lay down, then bring your back to a forty-five degree angle, where I march in place forty times (twenty each leg), and then extend each leg out for the same amount of sets.

    3. I do forty sit ups. I do eighty more sit up, alternating from left to right.

    Using my black physical therapy band, I do the following steps.

    4. I pull the bands to my hips, thirty reps.

    5. I pull the bands to my chest, arms stretched out, thirty reps.

    6. I pretend to throw a ball with both hands, twenty reps.

    7. Sideways, I pull the band across my stomach, with my arm to my side, thirty reps, repeat with other arm.

    8. I do step 7 with pulling the band the opposite direction same amount of times with both arms.

  3. That just doesn't seem right. A fighting game like smash brothers would have made much more since and more entertaining. In any case, Mario would have been kicked out of the Olympics immediately after finding out that he's been doing mushrooms.

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