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Posts posted by HKofsesshoumaru

  1. I saw read the books too when I was younger and I was horrified when I saw the preview for the movie. They totally ruined the concept of Nancy Drew and conformed her to what 'new age role model for girls' they think she should be. It pisses me off.

  2. :notworth: You are the man, Crimson King. Thanks for all you do there, so we don't have to deal with it here. Our problems here are nothing compared to what you go through on a daily basis. Do us proud and then come back to us safe!

    Well said Mathias.:happy: Thank you Crimson King for being there to fight so that we may be free. God bless you and come home safe~:D

  3. I totally started crying when they hung that little boy. It just goes to show you how in history if you were said t be a pirate or a witch, you were given no mercy, no matter what age.OMG! I think that pirate that has the shrunkern head was modeled after Captain Morgan! Who was he suppossed to be? Jack's brother? LOL. I went and saw this movie before my mom did, because she wanted to take my 2 and a half year old daughter to see it. My daughter is a huge fan of the 1st one, but there were parts in the 3rd movie I knew she would be freaking about. Especially the eel headed pirate, who snaps that guys head up. Lots more violence this time around, but rather good. I thought the part in the Davey's Locker was rather long and boring. It was important yes, but all the Jack Sparrows was funny for the first few minutes. The goat thing was just wrong, but then again I guess it reflects on with all that time on a ship, in the sun, drunk, wet and with no women around might cause you to think rather crazy. Perhaps it was the rum.. *shrugs* LOL. I thought it was a good movie and totally leaves open for a 4th. To wait all that time through all the credits and catch 30 seconds of the ending sucked, BUT Shrek the 3rd had no ending after the credits! Grrrr.

    Great movie! I do not recommend taking small childeren since this one has a lot more violence than the 1st, and parts of it can be scary. Stay tuned at the end of the credits for an extra clip at the end.

  4. Yeah,Inuyasha is adorable ( I LOVE his ears!), but he is such an ass in the manga. He calls Kagome a bitch as much as she tells him to sit. LOL. I still say his older brother, Sesshomaru is the better and hotter. *winks over at where Sess is sitting* after all I am his hentai kitty. J/K

  5. I hate allergies! I had to run the air for the past few nights. It's been up near almost 100 degrees in the Valley Of The Sun (phoenix, az.) but I woke up this morning freezing. too tired to get up and turn the air off, so i just pulled the covers up (with the isues I have with sleep, I try to savor every minute I can). The weather is weird here lately. Late one night last week it was all cool with lightning and thunder. The next day not a cloud around and blazing hot. I wish the weather would make up its mind.

  6. He is not half as scary and crazy as the bunny in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Now, that bunny...was scary~! Though I bet if you pissed off the opera singing bunny:nono:...he'd get monty python bunny phycho on you. His sweet off key little "la laa" would turn into insane yips of a disturbed wild animal and he'd do than bite your arm.... He'd chomp it off.X'D

  7. Has anybody seen the commercial for Skittles that involves the opera singing bunny?


    It's funny!

    Would you trade your skittles for the opera Singing Bunny?


    I'm not a fan of skittles, and well the bunny is just so damn cute.

    If you like the bunny so much you have to listen to his annoying little voice by downloading his ring tone at http://www.skittles.com/index.jsp

    Have fun! La Laa Laaa Laaaaa!!!

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