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Posts posted by HKofsesshoumaru

  1. I am posting this because this hits close to home..literally. I am so pissed and hurt by this story. I volunteered for many years working at a "zoo" in northern arizona that worked on rehabing injured local wildlife, including a jaguar. Some of these animals will not be able to be released back into the wild but we educate people about the animals so that they understand how important it is to help perserve their habitats. I hope they nail these people for doing this Macho.

    Breaking News: Investigators Say Jaguar Death Was Unnecessary

    MachoBSnared_AZGameandFish.jpgClick here to save

    other jaguars from

    unnecessary death.

    Dear Elizabeth ,

    Two weeks ago the last known American jaguar died. Not in the wild. Not by mistake. He was euthanized on a stainless-steel table in Phoenix.

    When the state-sanctioned vet said it was better for Macho B to die this way than in the wilderness, where he had lived for 15 years, I was taken aback. When the vet said Macho B could have lived another two months, I wondered: Why the rush to euthanize him? When the vet said Macho B's death was "necessary" due to long-term kidney failure, I called for an independent investigation.

    The story just didn't add up.

    The first of the independent investigations is complete, but state and federal wildlife agencies won't release it. The Arizona Daily Star, however, talked to the investigators and confirmed my worst fears.

    Tissue samples show no sign of kidney failure. Indeed, University of Arizona pathologist Sharon Dial stated that, "For a supposed 15-year-old cat, he had damned good-looking kidneys."

    The euthanization was rushed and unnecessary. Macho B was likely suffering from severe dehydration, probably brought on by his snaring, anesthetizing, and collaring. Rather than being killed, said Dial, Macho B should have been given intravenous fluids for 24 to 48 hours. There was just not enough information to support euthanizing him so quickly.

    Macho B was injured, possibly fatally, during capture. Though the wildlife agencies publicly denied Macho B's death was caused by "capture myopathy" (i.e. stress and injury), internal memos stated: "Department personnel suspected capture myopathy/renal failure." Only after the Star's investigation was it revealed that Macho B's paw was severely swollen, and deep scratch marks were found seven feet up the tree where he was snared.

    The necropsy was botched. Investigations into the cause of death have been hampered by a decision to do a "cosmetic" rather than a full necropsy so that Macho B's pelt could be stuffed for "educational" presentations. Why and who deemed this more important than a full investigation?

    The only good news to report is that the Center for Biological Diversity's lawsuit to establish a federal recovery plan and protected critical habitat for the jaguar is going well. In a hearing last Monday, the federal judge peppered the government's lawyer with skeptical questions, showing his discomfort with how the agency has continually changed its rationale for not protecting America's jaguars.

    Establishment of a federal recovery plan would likely have prevented the death of Macho B, and it certainly would have prevented what one pathologist called a "lack of total transparency" in how the post-capture handling has been conducted.

    I'll let you know as soon as new developments arise. Meanwhile, if you haven't already done so, please donate to the Center's Jaguar Legal Defense Fund today. We're over halfway to our goal of raising $40,000. Winning this case - just as we won two crucial cases forcing recovery of the endangered Mexican wolf - is critical to the restoration of jaguars to the United States.

    kieran2008.jpgkieran-sig.jpgKierán Suckling

    Executive Director

    Center for Biological Diversity

    P.S. The Center is continuing to investigate how Macho B came to be captured in the first place. It is illegal to purposefully trap jaguars, and yet, bizarrely, bear and mountain lion traps were set in the canyon where Macho B was known to be prowling. Donate now to make sure Macho B's death is fully investigated and future jaguars are protected.

    P.P.S. Click here to read the full Arizona Daily Star article.

    Macho B photo courtesy Arizona Game & Fish Department.

    This message was sent to hentaikittyoffluffy@hotmail.com.

    The Center for Biological Diversity sends out newsletters and action alerts through DemocracyinAction.org. Click here if you'd like to check your profile and preferences. Let us know if you'd like to stop receiving action alerts and newsletters from us.

    Center for Biological Diversity

    P.O. Box 710

    Tucson, AZ 85702


  2. I went to a spot called Salty Senorita's and had a "Sex in a cadillac" it was good and it rocked me.

    If I'm out..Long Islands all the way (where I get the name Long Island Lizz) and you can NEVER go wrong with an Adios Mother F**ker.

    However my favorite and the one u will always find in the house : Sailor Jerry's Rum.

  3. I marked this post with a :D because of the dolphin article not the shark thing.

    Shark Commits Suicide on Waterslide

    Posted Dec 18th 2008 6:00AM by TMZ Staff

    There's nothing quite like taking a cool trip down the water slide at the Atlantis Resort in The Bahamas, plunging into the refreshing pool at the end, and ... HOLY CRAP!! THAT'S A SHARK!


    But it was all too real when hotel staff saw that one of the sharks from the famous resort aquarium had somehow jumped out of its tank and onto a nearby water slide -- where it managed to slide down into the pool.

    It all went down before the pool opened Tuesday -- so nobody was in the water -- but here's where it gets tragic: A rep for the Atlantis tells TMZ the shark died a short time after swimming in the chlorinated water. Here's the heartbreaking statement:

    "Yesterday morning at around 9:30 AM, prior to the resort's waterscape opening to guests, a 12+-year-old female reef shark jumped over an 18 inch wide and 1 foot high sustaining structure into the resort's Leap of Faith water slide.

    The Atlantis Aquarists believe the shark was startled by an unusual circumstance that we have no way of defining completely. In the over ten years guests have experienced the Leap of Faith, the reef shark itself, harmless to humans as it is fed regularly by our staff, had shown no previous incidences of leaping out of the water in the marine habitat ...

    ... The habitat itself is part of the resort's open system which filters water from the Atlantic Ocean and is completely separated from the chlorinated water system on the slides. Once the shark fell onto the slide and into the chlorinated water, it was in significant distress.

    The Marine Aquarium Operations team responded immediately and was able to retrieve the animal at the bottom of the slide and return the animal to the main marine habitat in an attempt to resuscitate her. Despite the team's best efforts to recover the animal, it died shortly after the occurrence.

    There was no danger to our guests or staff, both of whom interact with these sharks daily in our various interactive programs (we have guests enter the shark habitat to swim and interact with the sharks in bathing attire only).

    In fact, our concern was for the animal itself who defied nature to take this leap. The entire team at Atlantis is truly saddened by the loss of this animal who had resided in the Atlantis marine habitat for over ten years."

    I think this is from that Resort you see advertised on TV where the people are riding a water slide down the front of what looks like a Aztec temple into a lagoon. Poor shark. I wonder what spooked it?

    Tuesday, March 03, 2009

    Pinky. the schockingly pink albino dolphin calf


    Photo: CATERS NEWS

    Pinky is a little bottlenose dolphin calf, but it's very special.. it's totally, absolutely, shockingly pink! It was discovered in an inland lake in Louisiana, Lake Calcasieu, and has become such an attraction that conservationists have warned tourists to leave it alone. Pinky's color come from the fact that it is an albino, as it is well-demonstrated by its reddish eyes.


    Photo: CATERS NEWS

    Charter boat captain Erik Rue, 42, who photographed the animal and was the first who spotted it, has been studying it for some months now. Capt Rue originally saw the dolphin, swimming with a pod of four other dolphins, with one appearing to be its mother which never left its side.


    Photo: CATERS NEWS

    According to marine biologist Dagmar Fertl, this is only the fourteenth spotting anywhere in the world (the first coming in 1962). Biologists speculate that, in addition to the rarity of their birth, the scarcity of albino bottlenose dolphins might be due to their having poor eyesight, increased sensitivity to sunlight, and a coloration that provides poor camouflaging, factors which could significantly decrease their chances of reaching maturity.

    There are some spiecies of dolphin that could be pink, as the freshwater variety in the Amazon, the Amazon River Dolphin. The boto, as they are called, are the largest river dolphins on the planet. And while they are very pink, they also have gray splotches on their backs and fins. In Hong Kong lives another type of pink dolphin. The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin is found all over Asia, but its most well-known population lives in the Pearl River Delta. The Pearl River dolphins vary in color from snowy white to cotton candy pink, with some yellows and grays thrown in, according to the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society. However we are speaking of different species. Pinky is a true rarity because it's a common Bottlenose Dolphin, that are always grey.

    The name Pinky is lame. Couldn't they come up with something better? He is cute though:sway:

  4. Illness forced vets to euthanize recaptured jaguar

    Jaguars are protected as an endangered species but on Monday night one of the rare felines was euthanized after being captured, released and recaptured by state authorities.

    The roughly about 16-year-old jaguar was put down because of failing kidneys.

    A necropsy, the term for an animal autopsy, will be completed at the Phoenix Zoo and could offer more information on the death as soon as this week, according to Bill Van Pelt, an endangered species specialist with the Arizona Game and Fish Department.

    Blood work results as early as Tuesday could offer insight into when the animal's kidneys started to malfunction. Officials say that kidney failure is a common ailment in older cats.

    The jaguar gained attention when it was found Feb. 18, caught in a snare the game and fish department had set to catch cougars and black bears as part of research.

    The jaguar was collared with a tracking device and released near Tucson, offering much hope to researchers about the insight they might gain into the feeding and movement habits of the rare species of cat.

    But officials became worried when the jaguar stopped moving as much, had an abnormal gait and lost weight.

    A team of game and fish biologists and a wildlife veterinarian began looking for the jaguar on Sunday. They found him shortly before noon Monday and transported him to the zoo, where he was put down at 5:15 p.m.

    The loss of the jaguar hits on an emotional and scientific level.

    “The secrets we were hoping to unveil are still going to be secrets,” Van Pelt said.

    Since 1971, only six jaguars have been documented in the United States.

    This particular jaguar was the only one spotted in the U.S. in more than a decade.

    Trail cameras first snapped photos of the jaguar in 1996 when the cat appeared to be about 2 years old. Pictures would capture him from time to time after that, and researchers named him Macho B.

    When inadvertently captured last month, they recognized him by his spots.

    “I've been with the Department for 18 years and Macho B has been a part of my life for 13,” Van Pelt said.

    He said all sedatives given to Macho B had been tested on other jaguars and big cats, and all were within prescribed limits.

    Before releasing the jaguar last month, wildlife officials had called him a fine-looking animal – even at 16, which state officials said is older than any other known wild jaguar.

    Macho B had weighed 118 pounds at that time. Two weeks later, he weighed 99.5 pounds.

    “I'm saddened by the death,” said Michael Robinson, a conservation advocate with the Tucson-based Center for Biological Diversity.

    He called the death a blow to the recovery of jaguars.

    Robinson's group fought to get the jaguars on the list of endangered species in 1997 and is fighting in federal court for a recovery plan for jaguars.Van Pelt said recovery efforts must largely focus south of the border, since he said 99 percent of the jaguar population is outside of the U.S.

    Historically, jaguar territory extended as far north as the Grand Canyon, Van Pelt said. They currently live predominantly in Mexico and South and Central America

    This is sad. I never saw any jaguars in the wild here in arizona during the whole 13+ years I have lived here.

  5. 13 Facts About Friday the 13th

    – Thu Feb 12, 10:30 pm ET

    If you fear Friday the 13th, then batten down the hatches. This week's unlucky day is the first of three this year.

    The next Friday the 13th comes in March, followed by Nov. 13. Such a triple whammy comes around only every 11 years, said Thomas Fernsler, a math specialist at the University of Delaware who has studied the number 13 for more than 20 years.

    By the numbers

    Here are 13 more facts about the infamous day, courtesy of Fernsler and some of our own research:

    1. The British Navy built a ship named Friday the 13th. On its maiden voyage, the vessel left dock on a Friday the 13th, and was never heard from again.

    2. The ill-fated Apollo 13 launched at 13:13 CST on Apr. 11, 1970. The sum of the date's digits (4-11-70) is 13 (as in 4+1+1+7+0 = 13). And the explosion that crippled the spacecraft occurred on April 13 (not a Friday). The crew did make it back to Earth safely, however.

    3. Many hospitals have no room 13, while some tall buildings skip the 13th floor.

    4. Fear of Friday the 13th - one of the most popular myths in science - is called paraskavedekatriaphobia as well as friggatriskaidekaphobia. Triskaidekaphobia is fear of the number 13.

    5. Quarterback Dan Marino wore No. 13 throughout his career with the Miami Dolphins. Despite being a superb quarterback (some call him one of the best ever), he got to the Super Bowl just once, in 1985, and was trounced 38-16 by the San Francisco 49ers and Joe Montana (who wore No. 16 and won all four Super Bowls he played in).

    6. Butch Cassidy, notorious American train and bank robber, was born on Friday, April 13, 1866.

    7. Fidel Castro was born on Friday, Aug. 13, 1926.

    8. President Franklin D. Roosevelt would not travel on the 13th day of any month and would never host 13 guests at a meal. Napoleon and Herbert Hoover were also triskaidekaphobic, with an abnormal fear of the number 13.

    9. Superstitious diners in Paris can hire a quatorzieme, or professional 14th guest.

    10. Mark Twain once was the 13th guest at a dinner party. A friend warned him not to go. "It was bad luck," Twain later told the friend. "They only had food for 12."

    11. Woodrow Wilson considered 13 his lucky number, though his experience didn't support such faith. He arrived in Normandy, France on Friday, Dec. 13, 1918, for peace talks, only to return with a treaty he couldn't get Congress to sign. (The ship's crew wanted to dock the next day due to superstitions, Fernsler said.) He toured the United States to rally support for the treaty, and while traveling, suffered a near-fatal stroke.

    12. The number 13 suffers from its position after 12, according to numerologists who consider the latter to be a complete number - 12 months in a year, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 gods of Olympus, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles of Jesus, 12 days of Christmas and 12 eggs in a dozen.

    13. The seals on the back of a dollar bill include 13 steps on the pyramid, 13 stars above the eagle's head, 13 war arrows in the eagle's claw and 13 leaves on the olive branch. So far there's been no evidence tying these long-ago design decisions to the present economic situation.

    Origins of Friday the 13th

    Where's all this superstition come from? Nobody knows for sure. But it may date back to Biblical times (the 13th guest at the Last Supper betrayed Jesus). By the Middle Ages, both Friday and 13 were considered bearers of bad fortune.

    Meanwhile the belief that numbers are connected to life and physical things - called numerology - has a long history.

    "You can trace it all the way from the followers of Pythagoras, whose maxim to describe the universe was 'all is number,'" says Mario Livio, an astrophysicist and author of "The Equation That Couldn't Be Solved" (Simon & Schuster, 2005). Thinkers who studied under the famous Greek mathematician combined numbers in different ways to explain everything around them, Livio said.

    In modern times, numerology has become a type of para-science, much like the meaningless predictions of astrology, scientists say.

    "People are subconsciously drawn towards specific numbers because they know that they need the experiences, attributes or lessons, associated with them, that are contained within their potential," says professional numerologist Sonia Ducie. "Numerology can 'make sense' of an individual's life (health, career, relationships, situations and issues) by recognizing which number cycle they are in, and by giving them clarity."

    Mathematicians dismiss numerology as having no scientific merit, however.

    "I don't endorse this at all," Livio said, when asked to comment on the popularity of commercial numerology for a story prior to the date 06/06/06. Seemingly coincidental connections between numbers will always appear if you look hard enough, he said.

  6. LA police to investigate threats to octuplet mom

    • By SHAYA TAYEFE MOHAJER, Associated Press Writer Shaya Tayefe Mohajer, Associated Press Writer – Thu Feb 12, 6:02 pm ET

    capt.ab07eb8a86c644d9a9d1d8bcc082599b.octuplets_ny191.jpg?x=213&y=161&xc=1&yc=1&wc=409&hc=309&q=85&sig=heJWqU2.8qX6QCtqfymjCQ--AP – This image made from a 2006 video provided by KTLA shows Nadya Suleman speaking at a fertility clinic …

    LOS ANGELES – Police said Thursday they will investigate death threats against octuplet mom Nadya Suleman and advise her publicist on how to handle a torrent of other nasty messages that have flooded his office.

    Word that the 33-year-old single, unemployed mother is receiving public assistance to care for the 14 children she conceived through in vitro fertilization has stoked furor among many people.

    Police Lt. John Romero said officers were meeting with Suleman's publicist Mike Furtney about the flood of angry phone calls and e-mail messages against Suleman, her children and Furtney.

    "We are aware of the media accounts of the threats, and that they are being sent to the West Los Angeles detectives for appropriate action," Romero said.

    Furtney said 500 new e-mails were received early Thursday.

    "We're talking to the Los Angeles Police Department to get their best advice as to how to regard these messages," Furtney said as the phone in his office rang constantly.

    He is also consulting with a security professional to get advice on any precautions that might need to be taken.

    Suleman is living in an undisclosed location and spends time with all her kids every day, Furtney said. The octuplets are expected to remain in the hospital for several more weeks.

    Not all the calls have been angry. One family from the Midwest has invited Suleman and her brood to live on their farm, Furtney said.

    "One thing that keeps me from jumping out the window is that we've heard from many people offering some kind of support: clothing, food, financial or other help," Furtney said.

    Suleman has been supporting her six other children with $490 a month in food stamps and receives Social Security disability payments for three of the youngsters that could total $2,379 a month.

    She has estimated her in vitro fertilization procedures have cost $100,000.

    Suleman has said she saved for the treatments by working double shifts and also used money from a disability award exceeding $165,000 that she received after an on-the-job back injury.

    The benefits were discontinued last year.

    The Suleman octuplets' medical costs have not been disclosed, but in 2006, the average cost for a premature baby's hospital stay in California was $164,273, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Eight times that equals $1.3 million.

    For a single mother, the cost of raising 14 children through age 17 ranges from $1.3 million to $2.7 million, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

  7. When I went to DisneyLand for my 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY. I put all my photos and video on my memory card in the camera. I took the card and put it in my computer to upload all my photos to back up on a disc like I always do. I accidently clicked reformat and now I can't access any of my photos on the card. I get an error message,or it tells me the card is blank. IS THERE ANYWAY I CAN SAVE MY PHOTOS?

  8. It's not like he was doing rails off some stripper in a gay night club or shacking up with a hooker like the senators and govenors like to do.

    IT"S POT PEOPLE! Have you ever heard of a pot related crime? Maybe someone stealing some munchies from a circle K but not beating the hell out of someone or wrapping a car around a tree.

    Remember:Pot is a plant that grows in the ground. Now, If you should happen to ACCIDENTLY catch it on fire..it might have some pleasant effects.

    Seriously..leave the guy alone.:pipe:

  9. Octuplets mom says she longed to escape loneliness

    By JOHN ROGERS, Associated Press Writer John Rogers, Associated Press Writer – 31 mins ago

    capt.a95cee088eda4f3987cb4acb15d13a7e.octuplets_la105.jpg?x=213&y=142&xc=1&yc=1&wc=410&hc=273&q=85&sig=zwZG3iSoK6o7dtRaWfri5g--AP – This image provided by NBC shows Nadya Suleman, left, speaking with Ann Curry in New York on Thursday, …

    WHITTIER, Calif. – In her first interview since giving birth to octuplets, Nadya Suleman tells NBC she wanted a huge family to make up for the isolation she says she always felt as an only child.

    In a brief excerpt of the interview released Thursday, the 33-year-old single mother tells "Today" show anchor Ann Curry she had a dysfunctional childhood and sought to erase that with the closeness children could bring. NBC says the full interview will air Monday.

    Suleman, who now has 14 children, says all were conceived through in vitro fertilization with sperm donated by a friend.

    The octuplets, born last week, remain hospitalized. The others range in age from 2 to 7.

    Suleman says it took seven years of trying before she became pregnant with her first child.

    If the bitch was the lonley why didn't she adopt a pet or heres one: GET A FUCKING JOB and maybe meet some people. Stupid, selfish bitch.

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