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Posts posted by Sabe

  1. Koga has an interior depth of character that InuYasha lacks. While Inu has the troubled past, and twisted future, Koga has a past filled in twists and shadow, and a future that is only written one day at a time. InuYasha's future seems to be written thanks to Kikyo, but Koga's seems to change with every episode he's in.

    Koga and Kagome will end up together, Miroku/Sango, Shippo and the little Thunder Sister, Kagura/Sesshomaru, Kohaku/Rin, and finally Kikyo and InuYasha. These'll be the first characters that we see brought back, but in the final credits just before the fade to black, we'll see Naraku on the walkway outside Kagome's temple.

  2. To add a room to the house or build a greenhouse out in the yard I would have to get a building permit from the town. I wouldnt do it here cuz I rent, but once we buy a house ... ^___^

    What you could do is buy one of those little portable green houses, that you can take down if it becomes prudent to do so.

    I just finished putting one up in my yard here, and the thing seems like it'll be a good investment. They're supposed to handle upto 50mph wind, 3inches of snow, and upto stone sized hail.

    Since it isn't a permenent structure, the city can't say jack, and if the neighbors complain, just have Sledge and one of his buds move it; the damn thing only weighs 75lbs plus plants.

  3. I just deleated your above post, Monkey. You were acting like a dipstick. I saw another post which said, "haha" like you were kidding. If that is the case here, I request that you post (j/k) (haha), or something of a like nature to convay that idea, so as I don't take it as an attempt to start an arguement. I won't put up with baiting; I'll just delete your posts, and this is your first.

    If you wish to discuss what I've done, PM me. However, I will NOT speak to you, unless you are an adult about it, so think before you type. I'm trying to be fair, that is why I'm willing to talk to you about this.

    Thank you.

  4. Koga rules! He's honest, dedicated, and determined. He would have to be reincarnated. (I agree Kuwabara, only the main/important characters need broght back.)

    Off Topic:

    FM, if your gonna call people names, and freak about your favorite character, give a reason. If all you're going to do is waste space, and try to start an arguement(flame smilies do that...) I may resort to deleting your posts. This will be your only warning.

  5. I only read the manga, the anime isn't being aired here in the US yet...But my favorite characters are:




    Rock Lee





    and finally, Hinata.

    I don't know why Hinata, but it may be becasue I think that she is going to become a very important charactor in the series.

  6. Please don't take offence. I am actually dating a blond, and she thinks this joke is hilarious!

    There wer three women on a desert island. One was a brunet, the second a red head, and the third a blond. One day, while looking for food, Red stumbles across a lamp. She takes it back to camp, and Brownie says, hey let's shine it up, it might be worth something. So Red starts wiping it off, and a genie comes out.

    Looking at the three women he says, "Normally I grant three wishes, but since there is three of you...How 'bout one wish each."

    Brownie says that she missed her bf and wished to be by his side. POOF! she disappears.

    Red likes that idea, and wishes to be with her bf. POOF! she's gone.

    The genie turns to Blondie, but she asks for a day to think, which the genie allows.

    The next day, she goes to the genie with her wish. She looks at him and looks around, and says, "Ya know, it's kina lonely around here...I WISH MY FRIEND WERE HERE..."

  7. GFX, nice nun jokes, but the first one you mentioned, the last part(as I've always heard it) is, the nun opens the door and the guy looks at her and says, "Wow (what knock outs)! Where do you want your blinds hung?"

    The parenthesis is because the joke is a bit more explicit the way I've heard it...

  8. When four of Santa's elves got sick, and the trainee elves did not produce the toys as fast as the regular ones, Santa was beginning to feel the pressure of being behind schedule. Then Mrs. Claus told Santa that her Mom was coming to visit. This stressed Santa even more.

    When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two had jumped the fence and were out, heaven knows where. More stress. Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the boards cracked, and the toy bag fell to the ground and scattered the toys. So, frustrated, Santa went into the house for a cup of apple cider and a shot of rum.

    When he went to the cupboard, he discovered that the elves had hidden the liquor, and there was nothing to drink. In his frustration, he accidentally dropped the cider pot, and it broke into hundreds of little pieces all over the kitchen floor. He went to get the broom and found that mice had eaten the straw end of the broom. Just then the doorbell rang, and irritable Santa trudged to the door.

    He opened the door, and there was a little angel with a great big Christmas tree. The angel said, very cheerfully, "Merry Christmas, Santa. Isn't it a lovely day? I have a beautiful tree for you. Where would you like me to stick it?" And so began the tradition of the little angel on top of the Christmas tree.

  9. Here's one that'll make you think.

    A teacher was giving her first graders a standard lesson, when the subject turned suddenly to God. To enforce her opinion that God didn't exist, the teacher turned to a little boy and asked him to look out the window. When he did, she asked him 3 questions.

    "Can you see that tree?"


    "Can you see the sky?"


    "Can you see God?"

    A pause. "No."

    "That is because he isn't there."

    The little girl who had started the conversation stood up. "Teacher, may I ask him some questions?"

    "Yes, yes..."

    She asked the little boy the same two questions the teacher did at first and got the same answers. Then, she called her classsmate over and pointed at the teacher. She then asked him, "Can you see the teachers brain?" The little boy told her no. She than said, "Then by what the teacher says, it doesn't exist."

    Talk about the wisdom of children!

  10. Wow, most hours...about 252 on Zelda Windwaker. I spent the time to find every heart peice and every treasure. And for the sticklers out there: 10.5 says of straight gaming. Like I said in the thread, 'Your most Disgusting Display of Videogaming', I have an unfair advantage, being an insomniac...

  11. no sweat Sabe, yer not the first person to go wtf at the It sig X'D

    :rotflmao: At least I'm not the only one...^_^; It just caught me off guard cause, ya know, how often does YOUR name appear in someones sig like that. But yeah, I showed it to my mom and my sister, and they thought it was just awesome. So keep up the good work, Sledge.

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