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Blog Comments posted by Ladywriter

  1. Some people are ignorant by choice. I had a couple Jehovah Witnesses drop by here a week or so ago. I engaged them in conversation about why they believe and why I measure empirical evidence and come to conclusions that are provable facts. These two older men did not know the difference between a hypothesis and a theory. They admitted to being content with getting knowledge (hahahaha) from their scriptures while I said No I want to know everything and even jokingly asked Do you guys even science? when discussing scientific errors in the Bible. They were scientifically illiterate by choice as well as having very little understanding of history, sociology, psychology etc.... Basically it boiled down to they love the high their neurotransmitters give them when they're doing their gawd thing and are content with their ignorance.

    You shoulda seen the looks on their faces when I brought up Lot mwahahahaha

  2. American media is controlled by a handful of old dicks.Its a psyops type campaign to maintain the current power structure. The house of representatives has turned into fucking dinner theater.  The republican party is tearing itself apart from the inside.Poor John McCain with the tea party is like the old man yelling at rowdy kids to get off his lawn. Its a motherfucking disservice to the American people for one side to consistently offer up fucking retarded candidates.WE are being ripped off every time some scientific illiterate goes to Washington. There should be a science test required before you can run for office and politicians need to leave their fucking religion at home. 

    I like to read about our politics from the perspective of the UK India Aljazeer etc. You cant count on what is here to get the whole story because there is too much smoke and mirrors. What you can do here is find actual journalists to follow, just like picking different politicians to follow. I like Rachel Maddow and Richard Engel but I read articles all over the place.

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