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About Sledgstone

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    BBQ Addict
  • Birthday December 26

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  1. I finished LoTR: The Fellowship of the Ring yesterday. Great novel, but if I ever read it again I'll skip the first 150 pages of hobbit only adventures. lol. After that chunk the book turned out to be great. And the fan theory about Gandalf telling them "fly you fools" as in get to the eagles is debunked to me. Theory:


    In the novel the word 'fly' was used as the word run in multiple instances. It was just the writing style. I'm glad they kept that scene like that in the movie, but Gandalf had no secret meaning when he said that. He was simply telling them to run for their f*cking lives or they'd all die in Moria.

    1. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      All I have to say is Tom, you know what I mean (it's the only part of Fellowship I actually enjoyed outside of Moria, I really wish they would of put him in the movie). Everything else before the Council meeting could pretty much be left out (I could care less about how many meals a Hobbit has in a day or how a proper Hobbit should live). Don't get me wrong I love Tolkien's work and I love how he crafted an entire world in just 3 books (technically LotR is one book just split in three) but seriously I don't need all this set-up just for it not to mean a damn thing in the next two novels (as much as I love the Ents they're probably the only real downside to The Two Towers (though they do redeem themselves).

      I honestly can't believe people actually thought that. "Fly" has more than one meaning, get a fucking dictionary people. The context it's said in is a dead giveaway as to what he meant because how the fuck do you fly out of a mine (with a Balrog on your ass at that). As much as Tolkien is great at alluding to certain things in his books there is no denying he meant "run for your fucking lives" and not "fly on the backs of eagles". Nerds will never cease to amaze me (yes I say that knowing full well I am one).

    2. Sledgstone


      I thought Tom was the most unbelievable character. Lol. He was definitely interesting but singing all the time was a bit creepy to me considering. Especially since he is so powerful he can simply basically order anyone or anything to do something by singing it. He sang a song to the hobbits and told them to go strip down and play in the river. Next thing you know we got naked hobbits frolicking around for a couple paragraphs. XD

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