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Urge a Gaza ceasefire now

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As raw sewage flows through the streets, access to clean water dries

up, and food supplies run low, the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza cannot be ignored.

Civilians under siege in Gaza are facing desperate conditions as mounting casualties swamp a hospital system that is close to collapse.

We need your help today to call for an immediate ceasefire from both the Israeli government and from Hamas, to allow lifesaving aid through to people who need it.

Urge an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire - click below now.

(http://act.oxfamamerica.org/site/R?i=3J4UkH4GPprsFPZiACJOrQ.. )

Over 80 percent of Gaza's 1.5 million residents relied upon humanitarian aid before the crisis began; now the situation in Gaza has grown even worse as families have little or no access to clean water, food, or power. Medical and sanitation systems are in a state of failure. Residents of Southern Israel have also lived in fear of rocket attacks.

Oxfam is joining thousands of other organizations and individuals around the world in demanding that our leaders use their influence to

secure an immediate ceasefire by both parties, so that vital humanitarian assistance can be delivered and negotiations for a long-term solution can restart.

Join us today - call for an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire and protect civilians on both sides.

(http://act.oxfamamerica.org/site/R?i=_50TzT6_GP5k9xhMHxlyZQ.. )

And after you've taken action, please click here (http://act.oxfamamerica.org/site/R?i=kCR0ZsniZXdifDup_DqFBA.. ) to send this message on to your friends and family. It's vitally important that we get as many voices as possible calling for a ceasefire.


Tim Fullerton

Oxfam America


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