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Everything posted by falling-angel-111

  1. Does anybody know why they're only playing them on tuesdays? That's kinda dumb if you ask me and they always used to play them on friday nights or weekends. EDIT: one more question, what episode did they start with? I've missed quite a few and I would search it myself but I'm on an ancient computer and AOL non-the-less. So if you would post that it would be very very helpful.
  2. Yay I finally got to read it! Cabbit is so cute, I can't wait to see the next one!
  3. *cries* you finally post it and I don't even have the time to read it! *cries more*
  4. yay! I can't wait to see it! *dances*
  5. well, it kind of makes sense cause chances are if you slapped the rock, he'd probably kill you. X'D
  6. yay! GRX's results: I slept with a woman with HIV because I was drunk. Makes sense, right? X'D
  7. X'D I don't even know what to say to that... it's just too funny to put into words.....
  8. X'D I love these. awe, come on yours makes the most sense. *glomp* how 'bout I post it for you?
  9. Pick the month you were born: January- I crapped February- I slapped March- I murdered April- I looked at May- I masturbated with June- I slept with July- I laughed at August- I stabbed September- I shot October- I made love to November- I wrestled December- I had sex with Now pick the day of your birth 1. A prostitute 2. An Asian 3. A Woman with HIV 4. A drunken black man 5. Santa Clause 6. A playboy bunny 7. A married mom 8. My stuffed bunny 9. Your mom 10. The Easter Bunny 11. A football player 12. A porn star 13. My lettermans Jacket 14. My teacher 15. The Rock 16. A DVD player 17. A pencil sharpener 18. The phone 19. My computer 20. Your house 21. The tape measurer 22. The Lamp 23. The pope 24. Governor Swartenegar 25. Mr. Incredible 26. A transvestite 27. The Devil 28. Your hot sister 29. George Bush 30. A tape recorder 31. The printer Now the THIRD letter of your LAST name A- Because I like chocolate B- Because I was bored C- Because my pants were on too tight D- Because I am a homosexual E- Because my heart is two sizes too small F- Because I didnt get any presents for Christmas G- Because I like eggs H- Because the world will end tomorrow I- Because I slit my wrists J- Because I dont have a bf/gf K- Because I like football L- Because I was high M- Because I was drunk N- Because my mom told me to O- Because fruit cakes fly P- Because Im lonely Q- Because my parents fight a lot R- Because Im horny S- Because I want to commit suicide T- Because I hate school U- Because I was drunk V- Because I love slumber parties W- Because it calms me X- Because I like brownies Y- Because I like to spoon Z- Because I need to masturbate What did you come up with? my results: I shot a football player because the world will end tomarrow. Mine suck, but I can't say if I knew the world would end tomarrow that I wouldn't. Everybody's probably already done it before but I'm curious and they always make me giggle.
  10. *raises hand* I want it too but I have to find time to watch the rest of the story first. Still send it, I'll read it and tell you what I think as soon as possible.
  11. No way! Kagome should just go back to Hojo, atleast he's not going to change his mind about who he likes every fucking hour! And if Kagome wants to be with inu she sould atleast stop trying to get kikyo with him. The love triangle is getting a little... pathetic? Yet, I can't stop watching.
  12. lol, lady, you're killing me here! X'D I think you should try writing it out and see how it goes. Then if it turns out horrible or too xXx then you can go back to the other. you never know untill you try. I haven't read it but I haven't seen naruto, do I have to watch it to understand your story?
  13. btw, did kikyo actually die, again? I obviously have the worst luck in the world. The episode I downloaded fucked up right as he was about to kill kikyo and I picked up on the next where inu was looking for her. So, is she really dead again or not? 'Cause if she is then kagome is more of an idiot than I thought. If she died again and inu still doesn't go to kagome, then she should see that he's not getting over her. Look at me, I'm talking about them like real people.
  14. I loved it! I watched the whole series like three times, it has such a cute love story yet not overly dramatic and really funny. I wish more episodes were made, though. I really wanted to see what happened next.
  15. I've only seen up to episode 132 and I was so pissed when I saw the filler episodes. Yeah there cute and a little funny but I wanted to see some action. And what the hell is wrong with Kagome?! It's one thing if he acted like that once in a while but it's like 24/7. And he can't make up his mind, he should atleast stop leading kagome on. Anyways it was a total disapointment, I'm just hoping the rest will be better.
  16. lol, I don't think real gay guys are hot (maybe some are) but anime gay guys are like really hot, but that's really not what this thread is about. So to get back on topic, from the episodes I've seen I don't think there's anything going on.
  17. Lol, why does everybody want anime characters to be gay? X'D
  18. I didn't get to watch the whole thing, but I liked when shinji got hit by the football X'D Genius!
  19. yay! i get to be in the story, i cant wait to see what he does with cabbit. lol
  20. it was definately worth the wait. keep up the good work kuwa.
  21. Foamy is totally my favorite no body can deny his squirrelly wrath but i also like family guy
  22. yeah if you died we wouldnt know how the story ends just joking im glad your ok
  23. I love the flower and the mickey is so cute
  24. i really liked it keep up the good work
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