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Everything posted by Pchan

  1. Hmmm ... I'd have to say Rugal from KOF 94/95, Shigami from Last Blade ...
  2. I'm on just 163, my internet's failed me this past week. But the Bird Country part is good filler as compared to the other Raiga filler ...
  3. Is the animation better than what's on the series ? I love the series so far (on the 28th episode with the help of 2 all-nighters)
  4. Pchan

    Rock Lee

    Eeeek, sorry about that Sledge
  5. Pchan

    Rock Lee

    Mirror images of each other, these guys have a chemistry that's off the charts ! Heh ... seriously, we haven't seen Gai-sensei's full onslaught, which is a MUST SEE, and Rock Lee's maturity and skill has progressed through the series.
  6. If nobody buys, prices will come down automatically. But the economy of your countries is such that your purchasing power is really high, which allows you to buy things even if they're a lil expensive. Cool ...
  7. Thanks guys ! My mum's pal's son is coming down this Tuesday from Can and he's already bought Appleseed without even asking me ... which's good cos it's in your lists ! I'll ask him other titles ... only problem I forsee is the price since if I know him, he'll pick them up from HMV. I've checked HMV's online store out and it'll drill a hole in pocket.
  8. Alrighty then ! It's been a year since you guys last recommended movies in here. Any more recommends you might've come across this past year ? I know Advent Children's superb on graphics, and/but other than that ?
  9. I can't even decide which one's better ... both are funny to the core X'D Peanut Butter Jelly Time haha ...
  10. Hah I TOTALLAY AGREE, and he looked SO cool when he did that !!! Question: Why didn't he unleash Tensaiga during his fight with Naraku, was it because Tensaiga didn't tell him to wield it ? I'm guessing it's that, or the other likely point - Sesshomaru's pride.Sledge, you were right ... I hope nothing happens to Kikyo .
  11. Pchan

    Sasuke (spoilers)

    True, and I also feel that Sasuke's the type who'd walk out on Orochimaru if he feels like he's wasted his time all these years and still not mastered what he'd like to have in order to carry out his primary objective in life.
  12. Oh damn, I missed on the first two but I've seen the Jump Fiesta movie, sorta disappointing ...
  13. X'D I shot a pencil sharpener because the world will end tomorrow
  14. But you're right about the end being sorta dragging, Sledge ... reminds me of how Naruto slipped after the Rasengan vs Chidori battle. Come to think of it, what happens to Hakudoshi ? He's just disappeared. Does he re-unite with Naraku ?
  15. Pchan

    Sasuke (spoilers)

    Hmmm Sasuke's not a very confused character. Right at the beginning of the series he makes it quite clear of his main goal in life - to kill a certain someone aka Itachi. I think you've summed it up pretty much Lady where Itachi's concerned. Ofcourse that dual in the hotel was really cool and it wasn't cruel !! You could easily make out that Sasuke lacked then and Itachi was just re-assuring him so he doesn't get over his own head about himself. What use is the Chidori when you can't hit your target ? He did break into Gaara's defense during the Chuunin finals with his Chidori, but seeing how Naruto progressed with his summoning tecnique sorta made him feel weak. At that point he relied on his cursed seal for extra chakra, but had used up a lot already. But the plan was never to get ahead of Naruto, it was almost like - if I can't beat Naruto how could I beat my brother. Even in the end his ultimate goal was to beat his brother, which's why doesn't kill off Naruto when he lays in front of him during their final duel, as Lady said. That way hats off to Itachi for giving him direction and strength to avenge him. It's Sasuke's fault for going on a destructive path. The path of good is long and full of challenge and it's easier to go on a dark path. Instant power is what's Orochimaru's cursed seal's about, which always fails in the end. I don't pity Sasuke, not so far atleast EDIT: The main reason the series has taken a time leap forwards is to come to the point in the story where Sasuke's almost ready to be Orochimaru's next container. He'll be stronger indeed, but power that's shortlived.
  16. Whoa ! What episode is this on ?! I'm stuck on the late 150's cos of my computer.
  17. Kikyo, followed by Rin, Kagome's boobs and Sango's legs.
  18. Wow, didn't know he (Kakashi) or anyone could use Chidori more than thrice *slaps his Ninja face*
  19. Chidori, as a fact, can be used only thrice while Rasengan could be used umpteen number of times depending on the inflictor's chakra capacity. That itself is a huge-ass contraint whilst comparing both . You think Chidori needs high speed to make maximum damage ? Speed with Rasengan wouldn't matter I think ... If Naruto's got Kyuubi's extra chakra, Sasuke's got Orochimaru's crused seal chakra ! The latter always proves to be a mojor hinderance to everyone who uses it because of it's nature.
  20. Yikes, I apologize for saying that Naruto has mastered Rasengan, because technically he can only do it with another clone helping him and so he has yet to master it completely. Rasengan might be a whirlwind of chakra, but you cannot forget Chidori's as strong, which's more like a Chakra sharp blade. I think you need to hit the target with excess speed for the latter to conflict maximum damage on the target. Even so, both are pointless if they don't hit the target. Does it amount to the amount of chakra in the end, since/if both techniques equal each other ?
  21. I've tagged it as a spoiler topic only cos people new to the series won't even know of these two ninjitsu's. I think the Rasengan vs Chidori aspect is very unfair, not because one of them is a stronger technique, but because Chidori could be used in limits while Rasengan isn't. We know from Kakashi-sensei that using Chidori more than twice is dangerous and the third time could even be fatal. However, with Rasengan, it's influenced by the person's chakra limit and Naruto has no problem there, which's why he could practice and practice and keep practicing and master the technique in a really short time. All he needed was will and loads of chakra to do it, which's given to him by Kyuubi. I'm not going to say that Rasengan's stronger than Chidori just by what happens at the end of Naruto's and Sasuke's short dual on the rooftop (when they were stopped by Kakashi-sensei) - Naruto's comes out as more explosive; because they had no real control of it. What do you guys think ? Swaying offtopic, it's getting quite boring to see Naruto use the Rasengan in all his battles and for breaking rocks and the sort hehe.
  22. Pchan


    Similar to how they'd use Yorokonde (spl?) aka Chobits. But Naruto says a lot of Dattebayo in some episodes. His way of the ninja - Become Hokage, not going back on his words or promise, eat Ramen .
  23. Gamakichi ? That's his (Big Frog Boss's) son and I forgot his girlfriend's name hehe ...
  24. Pchan

    Bloody Rain

    *is licked by accident* Hehe, cool poem HC. Sabe, you're talking if that German alchemist guy ne ?
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