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Posts posted by Fedic

  1. Pop culture references tend to creep in there, mostly some sort of Kingism ^_^;

    I added another part of the story today, but it's more of a 1/2 chapter. The rest is getting there -_-;

    Power of Spirit picks up where Stuck in the Mountains with you leaves off.

  2. They were at Jagura's Keep when that happened. Jagura was trying to open Paradise, she had Cheza and the wolves came for her. They had Kiba hooked up to some crazy machine that was draining his blood. The other wolves, Cher, Hubb, Pops are all in the city. This is the part where all sorts of hell breaks loose. Tsume finds all of these dead wolves, Hige is going nutbar, Cheza and Kiba are dieing and Darcia shows up. Fun stuff.

    It has such a Dark Tower feel to it. Espically the ending. Awsome.

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