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Everything posted by Fedic

  1. That was just harsh. I cant belive they all died! Hige asking Tsume to put him out of his misery broke my heart. Damn that bastard Darcia! I wanted Kiba to rip his throat out!
  2. Sat's ep ended w/ Toboe taking a bullet and Pops staggering over to him. another shot rings out from Darcia's gun... end episode!
  3. I'm glad I checked it out. It's hillarious
  4. Fedic

    Yu Yu Hakusho fiction

    Kuwabara is so much fun to write
  5. Fedic

    Yu Yu Hakusho fiction

    I added the next part of the Yu Yu thing. It might not show up on there 'till later. Genkai gets another student http://www.fanfiction.net/u/612394/
  6. Fedic

    Yu Yu Hakusho fiction

    Kuwabara is a riot to play with. I have plans for him in a couple of stories. So you'll be adding a Yu Yu Hakusho site to the network?! When woman?!
  7. One more for Team Urimeshi http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2036264/1/ The first hunk of a bigger story I've been playing around with. The second (and probably 3rd) part(s) should be finished by next Friday if I get the time to do some writing/reviseing. I've been toying with some different narrative styles, and wanted to put a scary twist withen the story(s). Besides, I thought Yusuke could use a little female competition.
  8. Fedic

    Fav couple?

    For me, it's Sango and Miroku. I love it!
  9. Maybe it effect the bad guy on a cellular level?
  10. Hmmm... I'm not sure which of them is faster. Vegeta maybe? He's taller.
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