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Posts posted by Ladywriter

  1. I'm thinking that the 'near fatal overdose of crack cocaine' he huffed down has caused real damage. He's exhibiting the signs of a psy break, a hypo manic episode. He may have done more then just throw neurotransmitters out of whack. I think he's gone from mania to hypo mania (extreme winning) and when he steps off the cliff at the top its going to be a long and horrible way down if he survives the fall to normalcy or depression.

    I've laughed at his winning and being a crazy freak because some part of me (and maybe hopefully him) wants to turn it all into a joke and laugh it away but this shit just ain't funny yo. My concern is he'll OD while hes winning or commit suicide when he realizes hes lost his damn mind/career/kids/fans/whores and eventually his $ and freedom.

    sux,I like the guy

    fav CS movie wasn't even a comedic role it was when he played Pvt Bean in Cadence



  2. before you go shooting kids out yer crotch like human pez http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/calculators/

    every new human brought into the world diminishes resources and thus the quality of life of others. every next kid you have shits on the future of the one you already got.

    if you need sons that bad and only produce 1 then adopt.

    this we can breed as much as we want forever mentality is as disgusting as it is devastating.

    give a fuck about yourself and the future your kids are going to be living in

  3. dinos running loose at a tea party rally .... hmmmmmm :)

    here we go with a case of just because we can do something it doesn't mean we should.

    What scientific value is there in creating a mammoth, what about the animal's quality of life? Are we re introducing the animal as a food source, where do we keep them in a warming world as releasing them into the wild will fuck failing fragile ecosystems even harder...

    The mammoth wasn't killed off by human activity, yes paleoindians hunted them, but the species also dealt with climate and thus habitat change and the disease that came with it.

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