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Everything posted by Akira13

  1. Restarted your computer yet? That tends to solve a lot of annoying little software glitches.
  2. Audacity. Use Audacity. Totally free, and it's one of the best audio editing programs around. It can do what you wanted and a lot more...
  3. I am still utterly baffled as to why The DaVinci Code is the more popular of the two books. Angels and Demons was far more enjoyable, in my opinion.
  4. All I'm going to say is that I used to think Linkin Park was the best musical group ever formed. Nowadays, my opinion on them is quite the opposite. You can draw your own conclusions from that.
  5. We had to do something like this for school a few weeks ago.
  6. Akira13

    Hollywood Undead

    I hate them. I hate them so much. Never before has anyone taken the most polar-opposite genres in existence, and tried to mix them, resulting in the most ridiculous sound waves that have ever been called "music."
  7. So there's a lot of bands like this? Whoa.
  8. Now let's not turn this into a political debate. Whether or not you agree with the message these guys are trying to get heard, you have to agree this isn't something you see everyday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o762HKxYMeA&search=Bush%20Was%20Right I thought it was quite a catchy song, myself.
  9. Er, I wasn't being sarcastic. I'm not trying to start an argument here.
  10. Well, it's counted as an armored MOS at least, even if you're not actually using armor all the time.
  11. I had sex with with the tape measurer because I like chocolate. X'D
  12. An Idle, Retarded Force Of Ridiculously Chubby Elephant-people
  13. I don't know about acronyms, but I always liked Chair Force. X'D
  14. That's sort of the point. But really, he was just a kid, and he didn't know much better. He just wanted to take care of his sister.
  15. Except... none of the characters in FF7 were asian. Except perhaps Yuffie. But yeah, I haven't seen the movie yet. I wanna though. I should download it.
  16. X'D Are you also admitting to knowing who she is?
  17. Sayoko is the hottest character ever. Period.
  18. Akira13

    final fantasy tactics

    X'D The little people you drew crack me up.
  19. Did you even play FFX? You don't own a PS2. I though FFX was great, except for Blitzball. The characters were cool... especially Wakka. Wakka is a pimp.
  20. Luffy, hands down. Off Topic: Link, some things I just noticed about your sig: Two is spelled wrong. You're missing the w. Also, theres some fairly noticable white space under the face on the right.
  21. I prefer the subs in most situations. However, there are a some animes out there with truly good dub voice acting, and I'm perfectly willing to watch those.
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