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Everything posted by slippers

  1. Considering I used the word loyal, I haven't heard Michael Phelps in 4 years since the Athens, until now. College football? State football? Yea, it is daily basis that Americans are talking about throughout years, meanwhile the whole world are obsessed with "soccer" which is their national sports and it is in the Olympics. Americans are loyal to their football teams and doesn't give a rats ass about the Olympics other than entertainment means. Did you watch the Olympic primaries? They try to make stars out of every damn American athletes, appearing on Good morning America and whatnot, and yet they don't even make a cut on the Olympic tryout. What if Michael Phelps is the next Marion Jones, who forfeited her medals and sent to jail for steroid charges? Will Americans care? Will Americans think badly of their national image as a result? I doubt it. It is their yearning for reality TV shows and it's nothing more to them than that. Someone asked my tennis coach today about Olympics. He said he didn't give a *blank*. Lmao. Of course, he doesn't represent the entire Americans, but that's the attitude of most Americans concerning the Olympics. Many tennis players value the US Open than the Olympics.
  2. Some years ago, I "accidentally" threw a chair into the wall and made a lovely two holes. I went to Homedepot and they had a patch kit for just that. It's hardly noticeable and it was cheap as I remember it.
  3. I heard Americans are loyal to their college football teams than care for the Olympics. It's typical for them to nitpick on something minor as this. This isn't even news imo. E.Asians are doing fine in the Olympics and that's all that matters right now.
  4. http://shatteredparadigm.blogspot.com/2008/08/is-russia-right-is-georgia-bad-guy-in.html It sounds like Georgia's at fault. After all, they started it.
  5. Currently I'm playing tennis Monday through Thursday, so while I'm waiting for the class to start, I lift weights and walk on treadmill at a school gym which is located right next to the tennis court. But I'm just gonna play tennis for now on because it's too tiring, plus I found a nice smoking area outside of the building so (it's just a steel bench with a roof on top under the scorching sun)..
  6. When I was working at a grocery store years ago, this one pregnant lady asked me to get her a cigarette..I was ticked because the harm that will do to the baby. I got her the damn cigarette in the end, but I'm still guilty for letting her do whatever she wanted to. I wanted to bitch slap her. I was born with a hole in my heart and I had an open heart surgery when I was 2 because my mom drank coffee frankly during her pregnancy. I don't blame my mom for this (who do you think paid for my surgery lol) and I don't know if that was the cause of my weak heart but women should be careful when they are pregnant. Period.
  7. Myth busters was the one that tuned me off from the discovery channel. Even now during the Shark week, they are airing myth busters' test of a fake shark to bite a dead pig if their toy "shark" is the same as the real shark's bite. BORING. Deadliest catch was one of the my favorite shows, until all they do is yell and bitch about how lack of crabs they catch.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN9xgUovIbA ;_;
  9. The great Scottish warrior William Wallace led his people against their English oppressors in a campaign that won independence for Scotland and immortalized him in the hearts of his countrymen. With his warrior's heart, tactician's mind, and poet's soul, Wallace was a brilliant leader. He just wanted to live a simple life on his farm, but he gave it up to help his country in its time of need. Batman, the Dark Knight 67% Maximus 67% Indiana Jones 67% Lara Croft 46% Captain Jack Sparrow 46% Neo, the "One" 42% James Bond, Agent 007 33% The Terminator 33% El Zorro 29% The Amazing Spider-Man 21% Ohhh..I thought "You hate the English" meant English language. I put opposite on sword fighting skills though..
  10. slippers

    I'm confused

    Kikyo is hotter, even Inuyasha told Kagome in the earlier episode. Lol.
  11. What were those theories for killing and covering up her death? I only watched 10 mins of that video. I know one of them was because the guy Diana was dating was Muslim and the British Royals didn't like it.
  12. A minimum of 2 years ago would have made sense by impeaching him. No one gives a damn about him anymore since presidential candidates started to run. He got away with murders, letting Bin Laden get away and killing America's image and economy. That's the end of it imo. May he rot in hell.
  13. Iraq war is costing Americans $10 billion a month. How in the world is the US gonna handle another war?? This is insane even for those who are bloodthirsty for war and oil.
  14. That sucks. How long did the smell last last time?
  15. I think the world finally had it and lost sympathy to Israel, and their constant bitching about holocaust, when Israel ravaged defenseless Lebanon to shreds. I hate to see violent, rising anti-semitism in Europe, though, which is happening again sadly. http://www.adl.org/Anti_semitism/anti-semitism_global_incidents_2008.asp
  16. Iran has threatened Israel before but I agree with that. The US just meddles in with everyone, making things worse. ;;
  17. How about this - Pilots got little drunk and now they are trying to cover their asses
  18. He also has blackwater. They have immunity from Iraqi justice, protected by Bushy, so they can practically do "anything" to Iraqi locals. Disgusting. No wonder they want them out.
  19. I don't buy their molestation stories unless they say it was done by Michael Jackson. They are drug addicts. They were probably saying that for ratings..
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-7Uyd91pMI
  21. slippers

    so hot...

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