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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. SG1 was pretty good, but the cg dragon at the end wasn't that impressive to me. I'm interested in what will finally happen once they get their hands on this weapon tho.. but once they do get it, will the entire Ori threat be over in a blink of an eye? Or will they have to go the source and attack the heart of the Ori? The Atlantis finale just plain sucked. Half the episode of packing their things, and the other half filled with misc. talking. eh. Sheppard's team doesn't strike that "oh my god, I have to see how this turns out" feeling. But at least Rodney and Carson are there... but they aren't really strike force kinda guys.
  2. Torrent definition: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent#Downloading_torrents_and_sharing_files as for downloading torrents, install a torrent program, click a torrent download link, your torrent program will open and ask you where to save it at, click ok, then wait for however long it takes to download it. and if its a huge file, you'll probably have to shut your computer down at some point, but its all ok because the torrent program resumes downloading the torrent file once its turned back on.
  3. ah.. We finally got caught up on the episodes and yeah, that movie 3 opening/ending only lasted for a couple episodes. *phew* The filler eps they're doing now aren't that bad.. exploding tags all over konoha.. interesting.. but I really hope they move on to the time skip soon. Especially now that movie 3 has already been released.
  4. Sledgstone

    Movie Four

    I ordered mine from amazon a few days ago for $11.76. I probably won't get it for a while though because I ordered it with my FMA deluxe movie dvd. *used a gift card*
  5. Sledgstone


    Welcome to AC!
  6. And I thought the admirals would be the main challenge after CP9, but damn.. 200 lieutenant's/captains attacking the straw hat pirates all at once!? thats 200 guys as strong as, if not more powerful than Smoker. DF users all over the place too.. I really don't see the straw hats escaping from this.. and I heard that the next story arc after enies lobby is going to be the submarine prison impel down..
  7. I think Franky will stick around with the Straw Hat pirates.. but I'm still hoping that Franky's dudes are still alive in a ditch somewhere. \
  8. Heres something interesting. I read this topic a week ago. Theres speculation that Saul (the ex-marine giant on Ohara) could be Luffy's grandfather. http://groups.msn.com/onepiecemangav-2/general.msnw?action=get_message&mview=0&ID_Message=66353&LastModified=4675588623519225016 also.. all the characters in One Piece with a confirmed middle initial D are: Monkey D. Luffy Portgas D. Ace Marshall D. Teach (black beard) Jaguar D. Saul (giant) Gol D. Roger
  9. Thats supposed to be the opening/closing for the new movie? That doesn't make any sense why they would put it as the new season opening/closing then unless they'll tie in a bunch of episodes in relation to the new movie. damn filler bastards.
  10. The Second Raid is as good as the first series. It has a great mix of humorous scenes as it switches back and forth to the violence/killing. The main difference between the first series and this one is the violence. The battles, killing, graphicness, etc. is quite a bit more intense than in the first series, to the point that you wouldn't want children watching it. An excellent series. Hell, I'm tempted to watch it again after re-reading my posts in this topic.
  11. I haven't watched the last 5 episodes of Naruto, but I have noticed they changed the intro animation.. and it only shows Naruto, Lee, Sakura, Kakashi, some kid and a large animal on some island.. so I'm guessing these new filler episodes are going to start soon and will last so long that they necessitate the new season opening. guh.
  12. That reminds me of the whole Zeus/Hera/Hercules story. Inuyasha is a demigod. X'D
  13. SG-1 has been cancelled. http://forums.ancientclan.com/showthread.php?t=5566
  14. Sledgstone


    Welcome to AC!
  15. Sledgstone

    Hi everyone

    This is the first time someone has asked me this so nicely. Make a main website, or multiple secondary websites with a general target audience in mind and then link all your sites to your forums to try and get a community started. Also, submit your link to search engines. We get far more referring links from google than any other site. Also, browse other people's forums, join their communities and make friends. If they have a website section, post your link there and invite people to your own site/forums. People will feel more inclinded to browse or join your forums if they know who you are first as opposed to just seeing a random post from some new guy with a link in it. But what Eppy said is true too. Not enough members and nobody will post, too many members and it can turn to shit. But the main thing is, is to enjoy yourself.
  16. jeebus! those things are huge enough to blow out your tires!
  17. Poor little hedgehogs. I'm glad McDs is going to change it's mcflurry design for them.
  18. Who would have thought that the arrival of Sesshomaru's mother would lead to...
  19. That iceburg and head one kills me. X'D
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