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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Battlefield V

    Ok so no behemoths or elite class, squad play can get perks that the squad leader can spend on things like a V2 rocket call in. Sorta like a "killstreak" but the squad has to accumulate points for it.
  2. 1 point

    Battlefield V

    This has info not covered in the reveal... PREDICTIVE RECOIL!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. 1 point

    Battlefield V

    Pretty weak trailer IMO. Apparently its from War Stories and not actual MP. the MP trailer will come out June 9th they said. The good from the reveal: Premium Pass is gone, free content for all in seasonal updates called Tides of War. No gas masks, instead you'll have a tool box where you can make fortifications, reinforce structures, repair buildings, etc. Basically their fortnite ripoff. Operations become more dynamic in the form of Grand Operations. It sounds like maps actually change based on who wins each leg, and the gamemode can change as well. If by the 3rd leg, its a stalemate, a 4th map will be selected for a final stand mode. No details on what Final Stand is. Cosmetics will be unlocked via gameplay. Solider customization will be a bigger thing than in any battlefield. The question on microtransactions were kind of skirted with a soft ball question. I'll assume there will be for more costmetics, but at least there are some that can be unlocked. It sounds like Destruction 2.0 is going to be back ala BFBC2. They didn't say it, but LMG's being able to destroy walls, and the tool box mechanic make it sound like its back. The Bad Apparently there is a new mechanic where explosions can knock you back. I feel like this is going to be BS and you'll get shot and killed pretty much every time it happens. I'll assume this only means big explosions from tanks and planes and not grenades. No yay or nay on Behemoths or Elite classes. I guess we'll have to wait for a few weeks to find out.

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