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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    fuckin orange chins need killin
  2. 1 point

    Anthem (Bioware's Destiny)

    Obviously the game won't be perfect. I fully expect cosmetic microtransations, the potential for Javelin skins are too good to pass up. I could see skins, booster effects, lighting packages, weapon camo, etc. They're going to have to have a solid loot pool implemented with good variety, and specific ways to get some. They're also going to need to have way better communication with the playerbase than Bungie has done. Right now D2's community is just a wave of rage and Bungie is just adding more to the landslide dropping into the ocean. Its amazing how they can't implement mass deletion of shaders until later this year (even though you can do this with important items), but can delay Faction Rally for a month just to nerf token acquisitions. Basically don't make the classic mistake of prioritizing reward nerfs over serious issues with the game. Especially if the rewards are lackluster in the first place. From that last video it seems Bioware has been paying attention to Destiny 2 and The Division and taking notes on what and what not do. They have a lot riding on this game. People can give Andromeda a pass since it was a B team studio, but if this gets fucked up, their rep is going to take some irreversible damage. At a time where there aren't many developers left that are still viewed highly by gamers, we definitely don't need that to happen.
  3. 1 point
    Strider Hiryu

    Anthem (Bioware's Destiny)

    While I'm quite optimistic about the game after those videos I'm not going to get hyped considering BioWare's track record as of late (I mean come on, Andromeda did not deserve what happened to it). As more gameplay footage comes out I'll start making my judgement but I'm not falling for the hype like I did with Destiny and The Division (yes I know The Division is a much better game now but still, we both know how it was when it first came out). If everything that was covered in those videos is true, however, this will be the game I've been waiting for since Destiny was originally announced and this might just be what kills my addiction to FFXIV. That's a big if though.

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