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Common page functions

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Note, all of my functions belong to classes, but I am posting only snippets of my functions to avoid boredom and giving away all my secrets. Please post corrections, suggestions, and your own related functions.

Understand this lad, fate is a fickle lady. Work with the hand you're dealt and you may just be able to run your flag up the pole. Don't, and well, you may just find your mast cut down.

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Note: I changed my table name to ~Table~ and renamed the variable a couple variables that may have given too much away. Hopefully I didn't hose the code. My regular expressions were updated regularly in this function for a while. It may not be current. User beware.

        // Function:    GetSubNavigationList
        // Author:      Andrew Hinkle
        // Modified:    07/25/2007
        // Description: Return an array of all SubNavigation links.
        function GetSubNavigationList()
            // Get the directory from the current page.  Add an ending '/' if necessary.
            $sLink = $this->_pSettings['sLink'];

            // Remove the "filename" from the link.  There is no extension, so dirname($sLink) won't work.
            $sDirectoryWithoutSlash = $this->GetDirname($sLink);

            // Add the ending slash of the directory if necessary.            
            $sDirectory = $this->FormatDirectory($sDirectoryWithoutSlash);

            // Regular Expression explanation.
            // ^ (Start of line), (Directory), [^/]+ (Any character that is not a /, 1 to unlimited times), $ (End of line)

            // Get the index of the first and last records.
            // $sSQL = "select max(nSort) as nLast from ~Table~ where sLink regexp '^" . $sDirectory . "[^/]+$'";
            $sSQL = "select min(nSort) as nFirst, max(nSort) as nLast from ~Table~ where sLink regexp '^" . $sDirectory . "[^/]+$'";
            $pRow = $this->_pDatabase->mysqlSelect($sSQL);
            $nFirst = !empty($pRow[0]['nFirst']) ? $pRow[0]['nFirst']  0;
            $nLast  = !empty($pRow[0]['nLast'])  ? $pRow[0]['nLast']   0;

            // Get the index of the current record.
            if ($this->IsDirectory($sLink))
                $nLimit = $this->_pSettings['nLimit'];

                if ($nLimit)
                    // Round the current record to the limit numbers.
                    $nCurrent = $this->_nCurrent;
                    $nRemainder = $nCurrent % $nLimit;
                    $nCurrent -= $nRemainder;

                    // Round the last record to the limit numbers.
                    $nRemainder = $nLast % $nLimit;
                    $nLast -= $nRemainder;

                $bIndex = 1;
                $nCurrent = $this->_pSettings['nSort'];
                $nLimit = 1;
                $bIndex = 0;

            // Get the index of the first, previous, and next records.
            $nPrevious = $nCurrent - $nLimit > $nFirst ? ($nCurrent - $nLimit)  $nFirst;
            $nNext     = $nCurrent + $nLimit < $nLast  ? ($nCurrent + $nLimit)  $nLast;

            // Regular Expression explanation.
            // ^ (Start of line), (Directory), [^/]+ (Any character that is not a /, 1 to unlimited times), $ (End of line)

            // This select does not return duplicate rows, so if $nFirst and $nPrevious are the same, then only one record is returned instead of two.

            // Only directories with links will display the navigation.  A directory with nothing, but subdirectories is ignored.
            // $sSQL = "select * from ~Table~ where sLink regexp '^" . $sDirectory . "[^/]+$' and nSort in ($nFirst, $nPrevious, $nNext, $nLast) order by nSort";

            // All directories with subdirectories or links will display in the subnavigation.
            $sSQL = "select * from ~Table~ where sLink regexp '^" . $sDirectory . "[^/]+/?$' and nSort in ($nFirst, $nPrevious, $nNext, $nLast) order by nSort";
            $aRows = $this->_pDatabase->mysqlSelect($sSQL);

            // Return 0 if no rows were returned.
            if (empty($aRows)) return (0);

            // Get the link for the first record.
            $i = 0;
            $aSubNavigationList[0]['sName'] = "First";
            $aSubNavigationList[0]['sLink'] = $bIndex ? "$sDirectoryWithoutSlash.$nFirst/"  $aRows[$i]['sLink'];

            // Get the link for the previous record.
            $i += $nFirst == $nPrevious ? 0  1;
            $aSubNavigationList[1]['sName'] = "Previous";
            $aSubNavigationList[1]['sLink'] = $bIndex ? "$sDirectoryWithoutSlash.$nPrevious/"  $aRows[$i]['sLink'];

            // Get the link for the directories index.
            $aSubNavigationList[2]['sName'] = "Index";
            $aSubNavigationList[2]['sLink'] = $sDirectory;

            // Get the link for the next record.
            $i += $nPrevious == $nNext ? 0  1;
            $aSubNavigationList[3]['sName'] = "Next";
            $aSubNavigationList[3]['sLink'] = $bIndex ? "$sDirectoryWithoutSlash.$nNext/"  $aRows[$i]['sLink'];

            // Get the link for the last record.
            $i += $nNext == $nLast ? 0  1;
            $aSubNavigationList[4]['sName'] = "Last";
            $aSubNavigationList[4]['sLink'] = $bIndex ? "$sDirectoryWithoutSlash.$nLast/"  $aRows[$i]['sLink'];

            return $aSubNavigationList;

Understand this lad, fate is a fickle lady. Work with the hand you're dealt and you may just be able to run your flag up the pole. Don't, and well, you may just find your mast cut down.

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